


新航道雅思保过班,新航道雅思班培训怎么样,大概要多少钱 雅思/GMAT/英语类考试 第1张



Some people think that men and women have different qualities. Therefore, some certain jobs are suitable for men and some jobs are suitable for women. To what extent do you agree or disagree ? (男女生个体差异)


As the major city continue to grow, young people are facing more difficulties in their lives. What are the reasons ? How to solve these problems? (城镇化)


Some people think secondary school students and high school students should be allowed to choose academic courses leading to university or practical courses leading to careers such as carpenters. To what extent do you agree or disagree ? (基础教育类)


Some people think products should be made to last as long as possible, while others think making products cheap is more important. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. (产品锻造)







11月的笔试题型重点还是在argumentation上,其中尤其以agree or disagree 这种提问方式为主。




这次考察的argumentation的试题中,除了agree or disagree 外,最后一场discuss both views 的试题也是非常值得关注。因为这是一个比较典型的需要分情况讨论的试题,两个观点在一定的情况下都具有合理性,我们可以采取中立的立场。


Some people think products should be made to last as long as possible, while others think making products cheap is more important. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.



The relative importance of durability and affordability of commodities (商品的耐用性和价格的合理性) has always been a concern of consumers when they try to purchase something. While people hold divergent views about which one of the two features should be given the top priority, I believe that it should depend on the category of the products.



Durable products tend to have a longer life span. (高质量的产品有更长的使用寿命). For individuals, it is conducive to freeing consumers from some frequent maintenance and repairs and saving money from long-term perspective. (高质量产品能减少消费者日常维修所带来的麻烦,节约花费) For example, the Apple products, such as iPhone and Mac, usually can work normally for more than three years, while a cheaper but inferior product may suffer kinds of minor issues after one or two years of use. For society, products of high quality can reduce the waste of resources.(高质量产品能减少资源能源的浪费)The booming population indicates greater demands for daily necessities.(人口增长导致日常必需品需求增加) Extending the life of those items could minimize their frequency of replacement, thereby saving enormous number of energy and resources used to manufacture those products. (延长这些产品的使用寿命能减少换置频率,进而减少生产过程中能源和资源的消耗)



For individuals, cheaper products are more affordable and could satisfy the need of varied income groups. (对个体来说便宜的产品更多人能负担得起,满足不同收入群体的人的需求)The gap between rich and poor could not deprive the average person of rights to enjoy the benefits of industrialization and technological progress. (贫富差距也不能剥夺普通人享受工业化和科技进步的好处的权利). Lower prices provide people with access to whatever they need in a modern society. Although a Ferrari seems to be an impossible dream for most common people, an ordinary sedan still can meet people’s basic demands for daily commute or family travel. For some industries, cheaper products allow the survival of companies without competitiveness in manufacturing. (对一些行业来说,便宜的产品可以养活一些在产品生产锻造中没有竞争力的企业)Except for some world-renowned companies, there are numerous middle and small-sized enterprises which have neither highly-skilled workers or advanced manufacturing facilities, and thus their major strength in the commercial market lies in their affordability.(对于一些既没有专业技术人才,也没有先进生产设备的中小型企业来说,低廉的价格往往是他们最大的优势)


From my perspective, whether it is the quality or price that should be stressed hinges on the category of the products. (基于产品的种类判断到底是质量还是价格更重要)For durable items,such as electronic devices or furniture, that are likely to be used for a long term, consumers should choose high-quality ones; for some fast moving consumer goods, such as cosmetics or packaged food, cheaper products are acceptable. (耐用品要选质量好的,快消品可以选择价格相对便宜的)


Some people think it is a better way to go abroad to find work and living opportunity, while others think staying in their own country is a better choice. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people believe that time spent on television, video and computer games can be beneficial to children. Others believe this has negative effects on a child. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people think that it’s beneficial for people to take part in team sports like football. Others think individual sports like swimming and running is better. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


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