

一提到口语,相信很多选手都会几分头疼。海量的Part 1话题,冗长的Part 2素材和what are you弄啥嘞的Part 3问题,好似全方位无死角地折磨着大家。



口语考试共分为三个部分(Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3),每个部分考生会遇到不同种类的问题,且对回答长度要求也有所不同。整体口语考试时长约为15分钟左右。考试形式为真人一对一或视频一对一考试。考试全程有录音,方便考官评分以及考生对成绩有异议时提出复议。


进入候考室 → 到指定考室外等待 → 考官出来叫你进去 → 考官自我介绍及简短面试(如考生基本信息核对) → 第一部分 → 第二部分 → 第三部分 → 考试结束

Part 1介绍:

Part 1部分包括30个左右话题。






1. What apps have you recently used?

2. What kinds of apps are you usually interested in?

3. What was the first app you used?

4. What kinds of apps would you like to use in the future?


1. Whats your favorite color?

2. Whats the color you dislike? Why?

3. What colors do your friends like most?

4. What color makes you uncomfortable in your room?

Car trip:

1. Where is the farthest place you have traveled to by car?

2. Do you like to sit in the front or back when traveling by car?

3. Do you like to travel by car?

4. When do you travel by car?


1. What would you do to relax?

2. Do you think doing sports is a good way to relax?

3. Do you think vacation is a good time to relax?

Part 2介绍:

Part 2话题卡中主要包涵四大类话题(人物、事件、物品、地点)








Describe a famous athlete you know

You should say:

Who he/she is

How you knew him/her

What he/she has achieved

And explain why he/she is famous

Describe a time when you got up early

You should say:

When it was

What you did

Why you got up early

And how you felt about it

Describe an exciting book that you enjoying reading

You should say:

When you read it

What kind of book it is

What it is about

And explain why you think it is exciting

Describe a place you visited on vacation

You should say:

Where it is

When you went there

What you did there

And explain why you went there

Part 3介绍:

该部分中所涉及的问题均为所抽到Part 2话题卡的展开







Describe a famous athlete you know:

What kind of exercise do Chinese people like?

What characters do you think an athlete should have?

Why are there so few top athletes?

What’s the best way to become a top athlete?

Describe a time when you got up early:

Do you know anyone who like to get up early?

Why do people get up early?

What kinds of occasions need people to arrive early?

Why do some people like to stay up late?

Describe an exciting book that you enjoying reading:

Do you prefer books or movies?

Do you think it is very important to read the book before watching the movie version of it?

Do boys and girls like the same kinds of books?

What kinds of books do Chinese people like reading?

Describe a place you visited on vacation:

What are some popular attractions that people like to visit in your country?

Do old people and young people choose different places to go to on vacations? Why?

What do young people and old people think about when making travel plans?



每个季度Part 1部分有30个左右话题、Part 2部分有50个左右话题、Part 3跟随Part 2话题个数。且每年1、5、9月换题,which means每到这三个月份时,上一季度的口语话题会保留近50%,删减近50%,并且加入新的50%的题目,构成本季度的考题。一个季度中的所有考试,题库是不变的。这也给大家备考给出了充分的空间进行准备(除Part 3外,因为涉及到考官的即兴发问)。

3. Part 1答题技巧


由于part 1部分所涉及到的题目相对简单,且多数为日常生活常见话题。题目考察侧重考生对不同话题的个人偏好表述。如果你已经开始准备雅思口语或者有看过一些相应话题,我们不难发现,每个话题由多个小问题构成。由于Part 1部分对于答案的长度没有明确要求,接下来,我简单介绍几种Part 1话题答题技巧。

雅思口语常用短语,关于雅思口语,你想要的都在这 雅思/GMAT/英语类考试 第1张


1. 正面回答

2. 解释说明

3. 举例论证



1. 正面回答:(Yes/No; Detail; ?)

当碰到需要正面回答的问题的时候,我们的选择有三种:第一种是回答Yes/No;第二种是回答Detail;第三种是回答I don’t know。多数在Part 1部分的回答一般就是以上这三种情况。


对于一般疑问句来说(Do you…? Can you…? Are there…? Will you…? 等),我们的回答多数情况就是Yes或No,来表明对相应话题的态度。为了让回答表现的更加通顺,自然,我们可以在Yes/No的前面多做文章。例如:

Absolutely yes/no.

Definitely yes/no.

Maybe yes/no.

Sure do.


Yeah, I suppose.

Certainly yes/no.

Not that much.

Not really.

I am afraid no.

通过在普通的Yes/No前加上一些副词或简单口语表达,会使看似干瘪的是否回答变得更加生动,同时在不同话题间换着使用也能够很好地展现词汇量。(注意:of course这个表达不太建议各位使用。因为这个词组在口表达语中不是很礼貌。一般用在熟人之间。)


对于特殊疑问句来说(What kind of…? How do you…? Where do you…? Why do…? 等),我们的回答自然是问什么答什么,所以在第一句中需要给出具体的细节内容来作为开篇。还是一样,不要加废话,不要加废话,不要加废话(重要的事情triple遍)。


Q 1: What do you usually do on weekends?

A: I usually go to downtown with my friends on weekends, coz I am a boarder, and our school is far away from city center. There has nothing around the campus. Weekend is the only opportunity for us have a getaway.

Q 2: What do you do to help you concentrate?

A: There are many things I would do to stay concentrate. For example, I would turn off my cellphone in case I may play, or drink a cup of coffee to stay away from sleepiness. Sometimes, I may take a break once in a while to keep my mind sober, things like that.

需要使用I don’t know回答的情况如下:

对于考官提出的问题,如果我们没有明确的倾向性的时候,是可以选择使用I don‘t know作为回答的方式的,而且也不会扣分。但是,切忌,不可以回答成I don’t understand。因为这个回答会造成歧义,考官会理解成为考生没有听懂问题。


Q 1: What colors do your friends like most?

A: Honestly, I don’t know, coz I’ve never asked them about it, and this is not one of the common topics in our daily life.

Q 2: Are there any famous people in your area?

A: I don’t know, I’m afraid, coz I am not a groupie. Hardly do I pay attention to those celebrities or famous faces.


2. 解释说明:coz/since/because/for the reason that…


Q: Do you like taking bus when you go out?


①正面回答:是的(Sure do)

②解释说明:因为公交车很便宜(Coz it is very cheap)

如果表达能力好,可再加上分论点的解释:也很快(Plus, it is pretty convenient as well)


A: Sure do, coz it is very cheap. Plus, it is pretty convenient as well.



3. 举例论证:(For example/instance)


① 抽象概念具体化(适用于对该题目有具体事例的题目)


Sure do, coz it is very cheap. It only costs 1 or 2 bucks to wonder in the city. Plus, it is pretty convenient as well. There are many bus routes. I can travel from place to place in an affordable way.

② 五问法(what, when, where, who, how)


所谓 ‘五问法’,就是对这个问题的核心答案进行五个设问,然后把每个小答案串成一个完整句子即可(How的问题并不适用所有问题,酌情使用)。我们还是回到刚才的问题中,看看新的答案:

Q: Do you like taking bus when you go out?


①正面回答:是的(Sure do)

②解释说明:因为公交车很便宜(Coz it is very cheap)


What: bus;

When: every morning and evening during the weekdays;

Where: to school and back home;

Who: me and my friends;

How: 不适用该问题

串词成句:Every morning and evening when I go to school and come back home, I will take bus with my friends.


A: Sure do, coz it is very cheap. It only costs 1 or 2 bucks to wander in the city. Every morning and evening when I go to school and come back home, I will take bus with my friends.

以上两个举例论证都可以作为相应问题的展开,选择哪一种,取决于各位对于不同问题的想法和观点。用这样的三句话形式去回答,可以cover掉Part 1部分中大多数的基本简单话题。


第二种方式是针对一些Part 1题目中出现否定回答时,我们可以使用的另一种思路——给出否定回答,举出同类型新观点。


Do you think doing sports is a good way to relax?










因为运动能让我释放压力(let off steam),也能让我保持身体健康(physically well-being),可以结交新朋友(make friends),能够有好的睡眠(good sleep),可以忘记烦恼(skip the messy bits);




Sure do, coz doing sports is such a good way to let off my steam from study, even skip the messy bits, and I can be physically well-being as well. Usually, I would go to the park in my neighborhood to jog for a couple of minutes after work. (解释部分观点根据自身情况选择即可)






我更喜欢听音乐(listen to music);


因为能够让我很平静(peaceful),有助于(good for)我的睡眠,可以缓解压力,激发(inspire)我在工作或者学习上的创造力(creativity);




I couldn’t agree with that I’m afraid. For me, listening to music is more preferable, coz it can make me feel peaceful and calm, let off my steam from work, also it’s good for my sleep. Every evening, I would play some soft melodies, make me a cup of tea, very cozy.

在Part 1的话题中,并不是所有问题我们都需要顺从题目表意来去作答。因为该部分题目侧重personal preference考察,我们只需要根据自己的真实经历和状况来回答即可,否定回答也是完全可取的。自己更熟悉的观点,思路自然更加清晰。而且考官听着千篇一律的答案,突然出现了眼前一亮的表述,也是给我们口语加分的一种方式。


Do you often get news on the TV or newspaper?







因为有更生动的(vivid)图像,不仅(not only)能看,而且(but also)还能听


我家人通常(usually)会看…新闻,我会对…新闻比较感兴趣(more likely to)


I prefer to get news from TV, coz it is relatively vivid. Not only can I watch video clips and images about certain news, but also there will have a host who can tell me what is actually going on. Usually, my father would watch the News Broadcast every evening to get to know some big events, while I am more likely to get some entertainment or sports news. (解释句部分和例子部分可适当删减)




两者都不(neither of them)




因为手机很便携(portable),可以随时随地(when and wherever)查看,有非常多的新闻软件(apps),可以得到更即时(instant)的新闻,能够准确地(accurately)看到自己感兴趣的新闻…




Neither of them I’m afraid. I rely much on the internet, especially through cellphone, coz it’s very portable, which means I can check the news when and wherever I want, like on the way to school or back home. Plus, I have many news apps installed on my phone, through which I could easily get news I’m interested in.


4. Part 2文章框架

之前我们讲过,Part 2部分时长为两分钟,文章字数大概在200-250字,那么我们在准备的过程中则需要合理安排文章结构,做到既能包涵话题下引导性问题,同时结构清晰,方便记忆。

与大作文类似,Part 2的文章也同样包涵:开头段,主体段和结尾段三个部分。接下来,我分别对每个部分的框架进行介绍。

雅思口语常用短语,关于雅思口语,你想要的都在这 雅思/GMAT/英语类考试 第2张




Part 2部分涉及四类话题(人物;事件;物品;地点),且每种类型题目开篇略有不同,框架如下:


The person I want to talk about is … (姓名/身份) who is … (背景) + 简单印象


Describe a famous athlete you know

The person I want to talk about is Michael Jordan, who is a well-known basketball player. He has been my idol for years.

Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way

The person I want to talk about is my best friend, who is my classmate from uni. He has been known as the mastermind in our class since day 1 we met.


The place/building/city/country I want to talk about is … (地名), which is located in the… (地理位置) + 简单印象


Describe a tall building in your city you like or dislike

The building I want to talk about is ‘Time Square Plaza’, which is located in the city center of my hometown. It is one of the iconic symbols in that area.

Describe a place you visited on vacation

The place I want to talk about is Hangzhou, which is a city located in the southern part of China. It is famous for its marvelous attractions and nice environment.


1. The experience/题目中心词 I want to talk about happened on … (时间), which was a story between … (人物1) and … (人物2)

2. The experience/题目中心词 I want to talk about happened on … (时间), which was about/from + 故事来源


Describe a time when you helped a friend (事件)

The experience I want to talk about happened on a couple of years ago, which was a story between me and my roommate.

Describe a difficult decision that you once made (事件)

The decision I want to talk about happened on many years ago, which was about me waiting for the test result.

Describe a good service you received (抽象物品)

The service I want to talk about happened on last month, which was from a dinner I ate with my friends.


The … (题目中心词) I want to talk about is … (物品名称), + 时间 + 简单背景


Describe an exciting book that you enjoying reading

The book I want to talk about is Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, written by J. K. Rowling. I read it many years ago, and it left me deep impression.

Describe a piece of equipment that is important in your home

The equipment I want to talk about is the car my father bought earlier this year. This is the 1st MPV in my home.




Part 2说白了就是给考官讲一个两分钟的英语故事,而故事的核心内容都在主体段中。主体段的展开,针对不同话题主要有两种不同的方式:多例概述&单例详述。我依次给大家介绍:








Describe someone who is older than you that you admire



1. 学习好(52词)

The 1st reason why I admire him is that he has remained straight A students throughout our high school life. He’s such a well-rounded student at that time, ranked top in every aspect, especially on physics. He could always give quick reactions towards difficult concepts while most of us were still confusing.

2. 乐于助人(57词)

Apart from that, he is a big helping hand. He would give others tutoring classes during his spare time, and was very patient. If you did not fully understand, he would explain the process over and over again, till you truly mastered. Sometimes, he would help classmates with chores if he or she was in bad condition.

3. 有运动天赋(39词)

Whats more, hes very gifted on sports. He led us to the championship of school basketball game. Whenever we had sport meeting, you could always see him, participating in many kinds of matches, even getting a medal or two.








Describe a time when you got up early



1. 起床(31词)

Then when the big day came, I woke up at 6 am, washed myself up, grabbed something as breakfast and took off. With plenty of time available, I was pretty relaxed.

2. 等车(77词)

Originally, my plan was to catch an online taxi to the nearest subway station and go directly to the train station. However, there was no taxi at all, even at 7 am. I stared at my cellphone for over half an hour, still no one responded my request. I began to feel worried. So many people were waiting for taxi along the road. Luckily, I hopped on one and decided to go to the train station instead.

3. 堵车(43词)

Again, traffic jam was another problem I got. With time ticking and running, I was stuck into desperation. When I finally arrived, I had to wait in long line to get my ticket. Eventually, I ran to my train at the last minute.




关于Part 2话题是否需要一个特定的结尾,我的建议是看情况。如果主体故事讲完自然收尾,则不需要一个刻意的结尾,会很多余;如果主体故事讲完,时间还差10来秒,可以顺着故事结尾,描述对该话题的简单感受即可。由于这个部分多数是为了凑时长用的,所以篇幅不用太长。


Describe an argument two of your friends had

If we could meet each other in half way while things like this is happening, a lot of unnecessary fights could be avoided.

Describe a difficult decision that you once made

Eventually, our group got the highest score on that project, even our tutor said that’s the 1st time she saw something like that, very amazing, which made us so proud.


串题是为了更加高效的备考。根据口语考试的出题规律,part 1和part2 部分的话题是可以进行总结归纳的。也就是说在每个部分当中,我们只需要准备几个比较通用的回答,熟记它,然后根据每个题目做相应的调整即可。


下面我来给各位分开介绍下Part 1和Part 2两个部分怎样进行话题串联。

Part 1串题:

由于该部分话题考察方向为个人偏好型问题,每个季度所涉及的话题较杂,且不同话题间的关联程度较低,所以对于部分Part 1的话题来说,我们需要找到每个话题下,各个小问题间的母题与子题,然后确定自己偏好的或最简便的回答方向,用最少的答案回答尽可能多的问题。




1. Do you like science?

2. When did you start to learn about science?

3. Which science subject is interesting to you?

4. What kinds of interesting things have you done with science?




母题:Do you like science?




因为难to study & understand, esp. science related subjects;


理科are always one of my 弱点(weakness/drawback), cannot perform well on subjects like these; those complicated术语&公式are just a pain on my neck.


Not really, coz it’s so hard for me to understand, especially science related subjects. Courses like these are always one of my weaknesses throughout my study career. Those complicated terms and formulas are just a pain on my neck.


子题1: Which science subject is interesting to you?

Honestly, none of them, coz it’s so hard for me to understand. Courses like these are always one of my weaknesses throughout my study career. Those complicated terms and formulas are just a pain on my neck.

子题2: What kinds of interesting things have you done with science?

Nothing I’m afraid, coz I really don’t like science, and it’s so hard for me to understand, especially science related subjects. Courses like these are always one of my weaknesses throughout my study career. Those complicated terms and formulas are just a pain on my neck.





Public gardens and parks:

1. Would you like to play in a public garden or park?

2. What do you like to do when visiting a park?

3. How have parks changed today compared to the time when you were a kid?

4. Would you prefer to play in a personal garden or public garden?






因为对parks or gardens不感兴趣, 而且没有事儿做;


basically, 我的朋友也不去;我家附近也没有parks/gardens.


Neither of them, to be honest, coz I’m not a big fan of parks or gardens, and I really have nothing to do in such places. Basically, none of my friends would spend time there. Besides, the nearest park is way too far from my home.


子题1:What do you like to do when visiting a park?

Frankly speaking, I don’t like visiting a park, coz I really have nothing to do in such places. Basically, none of my friends would spend time there. Besides, the nearest park is way too far from my home.

子题2:Would you prefer to play in a personal garden or public garden?

Neither of them, to be honest, coz I’m not a big fan of parks, and I really have nothing to do in such places. Basically, none of my friends would spend time there. Besides, the nearest park is way too far from my home.

子题1需要单独准备开头,但子题2因为是母题的变形而已,所以答案可以完全套用。如果回答肯定,则需要在母题解释部分中给出public garden和park共同的优点,举例论证时讲平时会在这些地方从事的活动,像散步、做运动、欣赏景色等等。


Part 2串题:

Part 2部分按照考试要求的两分钟表述时间来看,每一篇Part 2话题需说到200-250词左右(取决于语速快慢)。由于本部分题目数量较多,如果盲目去准备50个话题,且全部记住,其难度可想而知。

那么如何更高效的串题,就成为了备考Part 2的一个很关键的环节。灵活的变题可以大大缩减各位要在Part 2部分准备的题量,起到事半功倍的效果。


1. Describe a time when you worked in a group(团队合作)

You should say:

When it was

What you did

Whom you worked with

And explain why you worked in the group

2. Describe a good decision you made recently(好的决定)

You should say:

What it was

When you made it

What the result was

And explain how you felt about it

3. Describe a time you needed to use your imagination(想象力)

You should say:

When it was

Why you needed to use imagination

How difficult or easy it was

And explain how you felt about it

4. Describe a time when you changed your opinion(改变看法)

You should say:

When it was

What the original opinion was

Why you changed it

And explain how you felt about it

5. Describe a time when you gave advice to others(好建议)

You should say:

When it was

To whom you gave the advice

What the advice was

And explain why you gave the advice

6. Describe a prize that you received(获奖)

You should say:

What it was

When you received it

What you did for it

And explain how you felt about it

7. Describe a time when you received good news(好消息)

You should say:

What the news was

Who told you the news

When you knew

And how you felt about it



The experience I want to share happened on last year, which was from a competition I participated in held by my academy.

My major in uni is data science, and each year, we would have many different kinds of competition. Then a couple of months ago, me and other 2 of my classmates took part in an arithmetic design competition. The goal of the competition was to improve an exist algorithm and try to reduce the deciphering time. Which team gets the lowest average time, wins.

At 1st, I was very confident about it, coz I thought there were plenty of models on the internet. I could just copy and make a bit adjustment of it, even though the other 2 did not agree with me and they wanted to design by their own hand. So, we did the project separately. However, there were only few models on the internet and none of them was of great use, which means that 2 days were wasted due to my ego. Having no choices, I turned back to my teammates, and tried to make myself useful.

(Luckily), everything went smoothly on the following days. We successfully improved a great algorithm, and won a prize, which made us so proud and happy.


Describe a time when you changed your opinion

原文中我标注下划线的那一段,正是为了此题所做的准备。原本想法是从网上找答案直接抄,然后发现不给力,在回到团队中和大家一起协作。回答了该话题下的引导性问题:What the original opinion was和Why you changed it两题。由于都是事件类话题,其余部分不需更改,结束。

Describe a prize that you received


The award I want to talk about happened on last year, which was from a competition I participated in held by my academy.

对比母题开头,只是将experience变为award,share变为talk about。回答了该话题下的引导性问题:What it was一问。由于母题的主体段都是在描述做的具体内容,所以顺带回答了另一引导性问题:What you did for it,其余部分不变,结束。

Describe a time when you received good news


The experience I want to share happened on last year, which was a piece of news that I was informed by my teacher of winning the 1st prize over a competition I participated in held by our academy, which made us so proud and happy.

下划线部分回答了引导性问题:What the news was和Who told you the news。母题结尾最后一句:which made us so proud and happy与开头段重复,二选一,删去一句即可,其余部分不变,结束。

Describe a time when you gave advice to others

Describe a good decision you made recently

Describe a time you needed to use your imagination


However, there was only one algorithm could be used after searching on the Internet. And there was a bug. Since the deciphering time was completely random, which means that sometimes, it would take minutes but sometimes, only seconds were needed. 1. While we were stuck, I came up with an idea/ I suggested that we should design a special timer to eliminate every result that was over 5 seconds, since the competition would only focus on the final result. 2. It only took us an hour to finish making this timer, and the result was very promising.

此段内容也是这位铁子真实经历(即在比赛过程中临时设计了一个计时器,来优化比赛结果),只是在母题团队合作中我并未采纳,而是放在了这里,更符合以上三个话题内容。其下划线句1,分别回答了三个话题中的引导性问题:To whom you gave the advice和What the advice was(好建议);what it was(好决定);Why you needed to use imagination(想象力);划线句2回答了引导性问题:What the result was(好决定)和How difficult or easy it was(想象力),其余内容不变,结束。

至此,7个话题的内容全部结束。除后三篇更改内容较大外,其余4篇较母题基本没有变化。那么我们50个Part 2中,将近五分之一的话题就搞定了。

除了以上我举的这个例子外,Part 2话题里也有很多类似这样的串题,建议各位在备考口语时,先分析所有的话题卡,再着手进行相应准备。

6.Part 3答题技巧

要回答这个问题,我们首先得知道Part 3考察什么。

简单来说,对于口语考试中,区别高分与低分玩家的部分而言,Part 3考察内容的主要方向,是各位对于语言深度的使用。在考试过程中,考官会提问3到5个与Part 2话题相关问题,并根据各位玩家所给出答案中逻辑有问题的地方进行反问,而我们则需要结合自身的素材积累,对相应问题有合理展开的同时,完善我们答案中的逻辑漏洞,从而在Part 3这个小辩论的部分中展现各位的语言功底。

该部分虽然问题类型与Part 1相似,但问题主体多以客观形式体现,较少会涉及到关于you的问题。在举例论证的过程中也同样需要我们给出客观的事例和论点。因此,这个部分所出现的题目与大作文的很多题目也颇为相似,其论证方式也非常接近,即:论点,解释,事例。我们刚才说过,Part 3部分很像是一个小型辩论,那么这就需要我们有较多和广的相应素材积累,这也是很多玩家觉得Part 3准备起来又难又没有方向的原因。

雅思口语常用短语,关于雅思口语,你想要的都在这 雅思/GMAT/英语类考试 第2张

了解了这个问题后,我们接下来需要清楚的是,Part 3部分中都会涉及到哪些问题的种类,对于不同类型的问题又该怎样进行回答。

咱们先来看看Part 3中会出现哪些种问题:

1. 对比类

2. 利弊类

3. 问题类

4. 原因类

5. 措施类

6. 预测类

7. 态度类


Describe a piece of local news that people are interested in

You should say:

What it was about

Where you saw/heard it

Who was involved

And explain why people were interested in it


Do people read the newspaper where you live? (原因类)

Do people prefer local or international news? (对比类)

Do you think it’s important to have a national identity? (态度类)

How can people develop their national identity? (措施类)

Describe an art or craft activity (e.g. painting, woodwork, etc.) that you had (at school)

You should say:

What you made

How you made it

What it looked like

And how you felt about the activity


What traditional handcrafts are popular in China? (问题类)

What do young people think of traditional handcrafts? (态度类)

Do people in your country send handcrafts as gifts? (原因类)

What are the benefits of making handcrafts? (利弊类)

Describe a time you bought something from a street (or outdoor) market

You should say:

When it was

Where the market was

What you bought

And how you felt about it


What kinds of markets are there in China? (问题类)

Do you think small markets will disappear in the future? (预测类)

Have people’s shopping habits changed in recent years? (对比类)

What are the differences between shopping in street markets and big shopping malls? (对比类)

通过这几道题目,我们可以看出,以上7种则是我们在Part 3部分会见到的常考问题类型。在积累相应素材后,我们需要知道针对不同类型的问题应当怎样回答,从而使我们的逻辑更加完善。熟练使用不同的答题方法,对我们答案的完整性会有很大的帮助。接下来,我就比较常见的对比类问题给各位打个样,简单分析一下。


What’s the differences of consuming habits between men and women?


那么我们再回到问题中。对比既是问题的一种形式,也是我们答题可以用到的策略。在Part 3问题中,常见的对比类型和相应答题框架有如下几种:

1. 性别对比

Q: What is difference of…compare women with men?

A: Well, first I have to say there is a big difference in terms of… comparing women with men.

Women are more likely to be…, they can always successfully do…;

However, men tend to be…, they usually ….

It seems quite interesting, but I think this is a natural result of their different natures.

2. 年龄对比

Q: What is the difference of…comparing the elder people with young people?

A: Well, first I have to say there is a big difference. The elder people are more likely to be…, and they love doing…;

however, young people tend to be…, and they usually…. It seems quite interesting, but I think this is a natural result of different times they were born.

3. 时间对比

Q: What is the difference of…comparing 20/30/40 years ago with today?

A: Well, first I have to say there is a significant change of… compare 20/30/40 years ago with today.

Thanks to the ever-increasing Chinese peoples living standards and ever-growing Chinese economy,

Now, our…are much…than ever before.

Here comes the time, we can determine the fate by ourselves.

4. 东西方对比

Q: Can you compare eastern…with western…?

A: Well, first I have to say there are some obvious differences between…and…. The biggest difference I can think of is the culture,

For example, eastern people mostly concentrated on…; they think that…is in first priority.

However, western people are more likely to focus on…, because they consider that…is the most important thing.





Time spent on… 在某物或事件上所花费的时间

Shopaholics 购物狂

Electronic appliance 电子产品

Cosmetics 化妆品

On the contrary/by contrast 与此相反

Likely to do…/prefer to do 更愿意/偏好去做…

And so on/things like that/etc. 等等

What’s more/additionally/plus 除此之外


Well, first I have to say there is a big difference in terms of consuming habits comparing women with men. However, I think that the most significant one would be the time spent on shopping between men and women. To be more precise, women are inborn shopaholics. They would spend most of their time on shopping. On the contrary, men are prone to go shopping when they think they have to.

In addition to this, another possible distinction might be that men usually buy electronic appliance such as computers, cellphone, portable video game player etc., while women are more likely to buy clothes, cosmetics, jewelry things like that.

It seems quite interesting, but I think this is a natural result of their different natures.

划横线部分为框架部分,可以嵌套其它题目。这样我们就得到了一个看起来逼格慢慢的Part 3问题答案。

7.Part 1&2部分错误回答示范

Part 1部分:

1. Part 1部分非常忌讳两种答案:过短&过长。给大家举个例子:

· 过短:

Q: What’s your favorite color when decorating the house?

A: White.

Q: Why is that?

A: Because it is clean and pure.

Q: Are there any white furniture in your home?

A: The entire wall, the tables and chairs things like that.

· 过长:

Q: What’s your favorite color when decorating the house?

A: Well, speaking of this question, the very first color that comes to my mind will be, let me see, emm, I suppose it is the color white. Because I really love this color, you know, and it has been my favorite color for years, I even have a lot of clothes and shoes in white. This is such a pure color. Every time when I see things in this color, I will feel calm and peaceful. It has the meaning of being purity I guess. Oh, and my desk and my chair are in white. I always do my homework or occasionally do some readings sitting in front of my beloved desk. Every time when I am on that chair, I could completely focus myself on what I am doing. Plus…


那么我们再来看第二个回答,过长回答。在这个回答中,虽然对话题有很多的展开,但是答案的字数近150字,而且很明显能看出,其中很多部分是有跑题嫌疑的。我一开始说过,Part 1的话题普遍简单,对于这样一个问题,如果给出太长的答案(刨除语速原因),那么答案中必定会有很多的废话出现,甚至是跑题。对于考官来讲,你的冗长答案中包含大量重复且无效信息。考官肯定会在作答过程中打断各位施法,强行进入下个问题,或在跑题严重的情况下重申题目重点,试图把考生拉回原问题中来。对于我们来说,强行被考官打断,多多少少会让本来就身处考场的我们感到更加的紧张,从而影响后面的作答,导致拿不到高分。在Part 1问题的回答中,我们要避免‘为了长而长’的答案。要知道,在Part 1部分中,只有很有限的特殊题目在回答中,需要我们给出较长答案。

2. 缺乏论证

Q: Do you like taking bus when you go out?


①正面回答:是的(Sure do)

②解释说明:因为公交车只需要花费一两元就能够乘坐(Coz it only costs 1 or 2 bucks to wander in the city)



Part 2答题禁忌:


1. 书面词汇使用

2. 词汇使用错误

3. 过度重复词汇


1. 时态问题

2. 单复数问题

3. 从句连接词错误

4. 连动或无动词

5. 主被动错用

6. 中式翻译痕迹明显


1. 表意不清

2. 重复表达

3. 无效表达


1. 结构混乱

2. 过度依赖引导性问题

3. 前后逻辑不符


1. 超时,且文章内容不完整

2. 过短,且不足一分半


Describe a café you like to visit

You should say:

Where it is

What kinds of food and drinks it serves

What you do there

And explain why you like to go there

雅思口语常用短语,关于雅思口语,你想要的都在这 雅思/GMAT/英语类考试 第2张


Describe a tall building in your city you like or dislike

You should say:

Where it is

What it is used for

What it looks like

And explain why you like or dislike it

雅思口语常用短语,关于雅思口语,你想要的都在这 雅思/GMAT/英语类考试 第2张


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