

















eg. How long have you been living in your hometown?(考场:那时顺利完成时)

提问: Well, I have been living in my hometown for twenty years.

eg. Do you like your hometown?

提问:Yes, I like it( like前面要接主语 ).


eg. Do you like shopping?

提问:Yes, I enjoy shopping very much because…(不可以Yes, because…)

使用替换词的前提是已经有流利地度和连续性了,重复 I think不会怎么样,重点是有话题亮点词。


•I think=I suppose=I guess

•I believe

•in my opinion=in my view

•What I think is that …


•Yeah, definitely.

•Yeah, absolutely.

•Yes, I think so.

•No, not really.

•No, I dont think so.


•Off the top of my head, …(我的第一反应是)

eg.-What are the benefits of trees?

提问:Well, off the top of my head, trees make our communty more beautiful.

eg.-What are the benefits of travelling?

提问:Well, off the top of my head, travelling is a good opportunity for people to recharge their batteries.

eg.-Do you think math is important?

提问:Off the top of head, I wanna say no, because math is really difficult, but actually, I suppose that math is indeed pretty important.

•The first reason/benefit/disadvantage that springs to mind is that …

eg.-Are there any special colour in your country?

提问:Well, the first colour springs to mind is that green is a special colour.

eg.-Why do so many people want to move to cities?

提问:Well, the first reason that springs to mind is that there are many good job opportunities in the large city.

eg.-What are the benefits of playing computer games?

提问:Well, the first benefit that springs to mind is that if you play computer a lot, you can train your responsive skill.

eg.-What are the disadvantages living in the cities?

提问:Well, the first disadvantage that springs to mind is that people usually waste a lot of time on the road especially at the peak time.



-本来想往下说,实在接不下去了用:So, yeah, …(eg. So, yeah, travelling is really important.)






喜欢的同义替换:like=love=enjoy=Im quite fond of=Im crazy about=Im obsessed with


-Do you like shopping?

-Yes, I like shopping.

I go shopping every weekend with my friend. (时间+人物)

I really like to go to the XiDan Area, which is in the centre of the city, our favourite shopping mall is called Dayuecheng which is a wonderful mall.(地点)

We always walk around in the shopping mall for two or three hours, we always have a lot of fun together.(事件+感受)


-How often do you go travelling?

-I go travelling quite often, three or four times a year, especially during the holidays.(时间)

I always go to some coastal cities or seaside cities with my parents, such as Qingdao, which is our favorite place, and Hainandao and so on.(地点+人物)

I think travelling is a very good way for people to relax.(感受)


-How often do you go to a park?

-I go to parks nearly everyday, because there is a park near my home, not very far away, (时间+地点)

so I sometimes go there in the morning and run for thirty minutes, and also, after dinner, I like to take a walk with my parents for about twenty minutes.(事件+人物)

I feel it is really relaxing.(感受)


•Listening to music is a big part of my daily routine.

•Photography is an essential part of my life.

•I can’t go a day without reading.

•I always while away the time chatting with friends online.(做…消磨时间)

•Sometimes, Im very busy/tied-up with work/my studies.

•I always feel pretty stressed out.

•I constantly feel under a lot of pressure.


eg. Do you like travelling?

-Yes, I really love travelling, actually, travelling is an essential part of my life, because I am very busy/tied-up with my studies and I contantly feel under a lot of pressure. Travelling helps me to relax, so I often go somewhere new with my parents.


•I go to museums quite often.

•I do sports on a quite regular basis.=often

•I do some reading on a daily basis.=everyday

•I watch TV every single day.=everyday

•Its vitally important that we have some me-time once in a while.=sometime

•I forget some important things from time to time.=sometime

•I seldom go to museums because I think I can learn anything on the internet.

•I hardly ever do any cooking. I just like to go and grab a bite at a small restaurant near my home.


•Theres a newsstand quite close to where I live and I buy a newspaper there every morning.

•Theres a park within walking distance of my home.

•Theres a swimming pool in close proximity to my university.

•The nearest subway station is five minutes’ walk away from my home.

•It takes me about 30 minutes to get to that library by bus.

•Its (located) in the center of the city.

•The National Museum is situated in the heart of Beijing.

•It lies in the northwest of China.

•Its in the south of the town.


•I always go and sing karaoke with my folks/family members on the weekend.

•I enjoy hanging out with Lily, who is one of my closest friends.

•John and I are pretty tight(关系特别好), so we practically(基本上) do everything together.

•I often go traveling alone/on my own.


•Listening to music is a great way to relax (and kill time).

•Swimming is one of the best ways to unwind/wind down.(放松/win(e)d/)

•Traveling is a great opportunity for people to recharge their batteries.

•I often go for a walk in the park and I find it pretty relaxing/enjoyable.

•Shopping is my favorite pastime. I find it therapeutic(治愈的).

•My friends like to come over to my apartment and hang out with me. We always have a lot of fun together.

•My parents threw me a birthday party(举办生日聚会) last month and it was a blast(我们玩的很开心).

•I went to Jay Chow’s concert and I was on cloud nine(很开心) that day.

•I was happy as a clam(很开心) when my dad told me that he had bought me a new mobile phone.

•Swimming helps me take my mind off things(让我不去想很多烦心事 ).

•Reading has a soothing effect on my nerves.


•I was not a fan of math at all. I found it super boring (mind-numbing).

•Writing letters is time-consuming.




No, I dont like doing housework, because I find it really boring, but I have to do it on a daily basis.


No, I dont like it but I still have to learn it every single day, since it is an essential part of our curriculum.





Have you ever done sth…?

Yes, I have.(要用那时顺利完成时提问)


for example

for instance



很多:so many/a lot of/tons of/loads of/a number of

不同种类:many kinds of/many types of/various

前面条件反射带出for example









• such as/like

• and so on, and so forth, and stuff like that


• especially

• (Among these/Out of these,) I particularly like/love/enjoy …

• my favorite

• I love …the best

eg. 喜欢看电视吗?Do you like watching TV?

-Yes, I do, I really love it, watching TV is big part of my daily routine,

说明:because I think watching TV is a good way to wind down.

宽泛→具体文本:I like watching all kinds of TV programmes, like reality shows(真人秀), talk shows(脱口秀), talent shows(选秀节目) and so on.

具体文本→更具体文本:Among these, my favourite is talk show because I like to learn the creative ideas proposed by the hosts, which can often make me laugh and think about some facts behind the hosts humor.

(5)Make it personal(往自己身上扯)





eg. What are the problems/benefits of living in the city?→用hometown话题



eg. What are the benefits/disadvantages of sth?


• I think there are several/a couple of/a number of/loads of reasons/benefits/disadvantages/solutions.

• I think …for various reasons.

• Several actions could be taken.

• There are tons of/loads of differences between them, I think.

• The reasons/benefits/disadvantages/solutions are manifold(多方面的).


• first of all=for starters=firstly

• off the top of my head, …

• one reason/benefit/disadvantage that springs to mind is that


• So, thats one thing … Another reason/disadvantage I can think of is that …

• 其次

• plus=also=besides=in addition to this

• another reason/benefit/disadvantage is that …

• another reason/benefit/disadvantage I can think of is that …












如果不小心前面把前面的小题答了,那就赶紧收住,最多说一两句,最后说到这点时,不怕重复观点,就用 As I said,…/As I mentioned earlier,…



– 方式1:宽泛-具体文本-更具体文本 e.g. website, party, trip

– 方式2:回顾过去(时间、地点、人物、事件、感受—简单、粗暴、有效、有料)e.g. cafe, language, dress well


–方式3: 平行扩充:给出更多观点,多想一点、再多想一点


•We do many things together.

•I can do tons of/loads of/a number of things in this city.

•I like visiting this park primarily because … Another reason is … In addition to this …

•I would like to go to Spain mainly because …

•首先:first of all=for starters=firstly


•另一个原因another reason is …

•另一个what else?

当有一题问why时,直接读题:I like go to this parks because…


Travelling is not being taken in the bus from one side to another(不是从一个景点被带到另一个景点), from one hotel to another(从一个酒店到另一个酒店), taking pictures from the windows of their buses of people and cultures(隔着大巴窗户拍当地的人和文化), but actually connecting with people(而是真正与当地人沟通交流).

This is not a photo profile for your Facebook


Adaptability, that is, the ability to morph/mo:f/ into whatever you need to be, in a given situation.(适应力是在一个特定的情境中,转变为任何你需要成为的的角色的潜能)

Fast Company magazine identified adaptability as the single most important skill to develop in order to thrive.(《Fast Company》杂志将适应力定义为在21世纪生存最重要的技能)

The economic world is changing so quickly and unpredictably that it is the individuals and organizations that can pivot/pivet/ in order to meet the needs of the market that are really going to thrive.(世界经济的变化如此迅速而不可预知,以至于只有那些能适应市场需求的个人与组织才能够真正存活下来)

Idea synthesis(综合想法),rapid learning(快速学习),and adaptability(适应力),three skills that multipotentialites are very adept at.

Embrace your inner wiring, whatever that may be.(拥抱你的内在天性,无论那是什么)

Embrace your many passions, follow your curiosity down those rabbit holes.(拥抱的你的多样热情,跟随你的好奇心,寻找那些“兔子洞”)

Embracing our inner wiring/wai e ring/ leads to a happier, more authentic life.(拥抱你的内在天性,追随一种更快乐、更真实的人生)



Talking about …, I would like to talk about sb(人)/sth(物)/the time when(经历)



eg. Describe what you would do if you were given a day off.

结尾:If I had a day off, I guess I would go jogging.


1) I am very happy today to talk to you guys about…

2) Good morning, everybody, good morning, judges, good morning teachers. Its extremely honour to be standing here, and Im going to talk about…

3) 直接开始讲故事 eg. When I was five years ago, I had a question, why…




So, I suppose thats all I have to say.





•Describe a small and successful company

–Well, to be honest, I dont really know any small and successful companies, but my uncle runs a pretty popular cafe and I think its a kind of company as well, so thats what Im going to talk about.

•Describe a team you were on

–Well, I dont actually recall being on any team before, but I used to jog every day with several of my friends, and I think that was a kind of team too, so I guess Im just going to talk about that.


eg. Now, playing the piano is a big part of my daily routine. Whenever I have some free time, I play it for half an hour or so and I find it really therapeutic …

eg. You know, I listen to Easons songs every day cos most of them are really catchy and the lyrics are super romantic. Plus, whenever I feel tired or down, his music can always cheer me up …



2、然后竖着标四点:1 2 3 4



eg. 试题:

•Describe a park or garden you visited that you like

•You should say

–Where it is/was

–What it looks/looked like

–What people do/did there

•And explain why you like this park/garden.



I am going to talk about a park that close to my apartment, it is in the walking distance, so it just take me about 5 minutes to walk there, so I go to this park on a regular basis.

第二点:T+F+L,T: G/W/P

This park is really grogerous, there are many trees, flowers and there is a lake in the centre of the park. As for trees, there are many kinds of trees, like gingkos, willows and pines. You know, the gingkos there are quite old actually, hundreds of years old, so they are pretty special.


People can do loads of things in the park, such as dancing, jogging, playing badminton and so on. I think dancing is the most popular activity there, every morning or evening you go the park, you can see a lot of old people dancing together. And in my case, I go jogging on a daily basis, in order to keep fit and stay in shape




Can I have the topic while speaking please?





How did you get to know→回顾过去(但这个故事要与试题有关,可以编)



•Describe a situation you waited for something

•You should say

–When and where it happened

–Who you were with

–How long you waited for it

•And explain how you felt about the waiting






•I’m going to talk about the time when I waited for the sunrise. It was two years ago, during the winter vacation actually. My parents and I went to Yuanyang, which is a small county in Yunnan Province. Yuanyang is famous for it’s spectacular rice terraces. My dad is a huge fan of photography, so he really wanted to capture the sunrise there.


•Anyway, who I was with …well, apart from my parents, there were also hundreds of people there waiting for the sun. The platform where we were standing was overcrowded and at one point, I couldn’t even see whether the sun was up or not, cos after all, I’m pretty short.

how long:

•We waited for exactly two hours because it was pretty foggy that day and although it was already 7 o’clock, the sun was still not in sight. Then, it suddenly cleared up and finally, everybody got what they wanted. We were all on cloud nine.

how you felt:

•How I felt about the waiting …well, to be honest, I felt extremely cold at that time. Haha, just kidding. Well, I think it was well worth it, because after all, my dad got some really amazing photos. We showed them to some neighbors after we got back and they were really stunned by the breathtaking views …


Describe a special trip you would like to go on

where is the place

who you want to go with

what would you do there

why do you want to go to that place



I would like to go to Yuanyang, which is located in Yunnan Province, Yunnan is in the south of China. Yuanyang is famous for it’s spectacular rice terraces.


I would go there with my parents, because travelling with my parents is a great opportunity for us to bond(建立家庭的感情) or bring us together closer together. Actually, we go many places together, sometimes we go…


We could do lots of things there, like visiting some tourist attractions, and also, we would be able to capture the sunrise…


As why I want to go to Yuanyang is because our neighbors have went there and showed us some photos, I was really stunned by the breathtaking views. And also, my dad is a huge fan of photography, so he really wanted to capture the sunrise there.


Describe a foreign country you would like to visit.



a gift that took you a long time to choose



Describe a success in your life

•You should say

–When and where this happened

–Who you were with

–What you did

•And how you felt about the success






–mobile phone




•Im going to talk about the time when I successfully learned to play piano.(结尾)

When I was 5 years old, my mom asked me to learn to play the piano. Im not sure whether learning to play the piano could be counted as a success, but this is what Im going to talk about anyway.(难题结尾段,当不确定自己说的是否十分切题时用)


•Who I was with …well, my mom found a piano teacher for me, Miss Liu. She was pretty nice and patient(老师话题词汇). Plus, she had a great sense of humor, so when she was teaching me, I didnt feel like it was something boring. Instead, I had a lot of fun with her.


•Anyway, I had to practice the piano for at least an hour every day, usually from 8 to 9. It was super difficult at first, but I gradually got the hang of it. After about 4 months, I could successfully play a whole song.

how you felt:

•I was really proud of myself when I finished playing that song to my parents. I got a great sense of achievement. (升华)Now, Im pretty thankful to my mom for forcing me to learn this instrument cos it has already become an essential part of my life. When I feel tired and stressed, I play the piano for a while and I think its a great way for me to unwind and kill time. It has a soothing effect on my nerves. In addition to this, Im a little moody(情绪有点波动) sometimes and playing the piano helps to reduce my mood swings. Oh, it always improves my sleep quality(前面还可以跟睡眠的话题词汇) …


Describe sth you would like to learn more

•You should say

–what it is

–how you would learn it

–where you would learn it

•And explain why you would like to keep learning it.


一项很好的运动:a great work out


•游蛙泳swim the breaststroke

•游蝶泳swim the butterfly stroke

•游仰泳swim backstroke

•游自由泳swim freestyle


•保持健康keep fit,保持体形stay in shape

•减肥lose weight=shed pounds

•很好的运动a great workout

•减掉腰间赘肉get rid of my love handles、减掉小肚子get rid of my spare tire

•加强心肺功能strengthen the heart and the lungs

•让我睡个好觉help me sleep better,从不失眠never suffer from insomnia



Talking about sth that I would like to learn more, Id like to talk about swimming. Swimming is an essential part of my life, and Im creazy about it.


Now I can swim the breaststroke and backstroke, however, I want to keep learning. I would like to master the butterflystroke and freestyle too, because they are really cool. I think would find a personal trainer(私人教练) to coach me(训练). I have free time on weekends, so I would have lessons on Saturday or Sunday.


I would definitely go to learn swimming at the gym close to my home. By close I mean it is in the walking distance, so it is very easy and covinent for me go there. They have an amazing swimming pool there, well-decorated and the water is pretty warm and clean.


I would like to keep learning swimming primarly because it is a great work out, it helps me keep fit and stay in shape, I really want to get rid of my love handles and spare tire. Plus, swimming helps to strengthen my heart and lung, so it is a very healthy sport. Oh, I suffer from insomnia sometimes, and I know swimming on a regular basis helps people to sleep better. So these are why I would keep swimming.


Describe an occasion when you got up extremely early

•You should say

–When this happened

–What you needed to do that day

–Who you were with

•And how you felt about getting up that early on that day









•接近知识:visiting museums allows us to be close to knowledge

•更深刻了解某一领域:gain a better understanding of a particular field,如history, military …

•很好的和家人朋友hang out的地方

•很便宜的休闲活动a cheap leisure activity,很多博物馆甚至免费free of charge

•去博物馆的经历和看到的展品是很好的谈资the experience of visiting a museum and what you see there can act as great talking points



•Im going to talk about the time when I got up at 5 oclock. Im not exactly a morning person, so getting up early is never easy for me. Im kind of a night owl and I burn the midnight oil from time to time. I felt awful that morning.


•The reason I got up early was because I was going to a museum very far away from my home. You know, I live in Shunyi District, in the northeast of Beijing. But that day, I needed to go to the military museum in the southwest of the city. It would take me over 3 hours to get there.


•Who I was with …oh, I forgot to mention that I went there with one of my closest friends, Peter. (介绍)Peter and I are pretty tight and we often hang out together. Plus, hes quite fond of visiting different kinds of museums.

how you felt:

•Anyway, I felt awfully sleepy that morning. I was drowsy the whole time. But the experience of visiting that military museum was quite positive. I learned a lot about different weapons and stuff. (升华)That trip made me keen on visiting more museums because theyre places where I can be really close to knowledge and gain a better understanding of a particular field. In addition to this, visiting museums is a cheap leisure activity. Some museums are even free of charge …











make it personal在P1可以用,但P3最多用两次,举大众化和社会化的例子




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